Visa Introduces Blockchain-based Solution for Payment Services
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Visa Introduces Blockchain-based Solution for Payment Services

THELOGICALINDIAN - Visa is alive on a blockchainbased band-aid for crossborder businesstobusiness barter calledVisa B2B Connect Crossborder payments amid businesses is a circuitous bazaar that is abounding with problemsbut is advantageous nonetheless a abeyant that Visa seems acquisitive to tap into

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Visa Unveils its Collaborative Project

Visa, in accord with tech start-up, Chain Inc., apparent the activity on October 21, 2016. Chain, a startup that Visa happens to be an broker in, has additionally formed with Google, Salesforce, Microsoft, Square, and amid others in the past.
Visa B2B Connect seems to be an attack by Visa and Chain to claiming SWIFT and its ample messaging arrangement as the absolute agent amid banks to move ample amounts of money about the apple for their business-oriented customers.

Using Chain’s software accomplishing of their blockchain protocol, Chain Protocol, Visa’s arrangement could accredit businesses and their banks to added fluidly alteration amount anon amid anniversary other, in real-time.

This way, businesses will be able to handle affairs amid them abundant the aforementioned way consumer-to-business affairs with debit and acclaim cards are handled.

Streamlining Payments through Blockchain Tech

It would acquiesce for about direct barter amid businesses in a bazaar that generally relies on wire transfers, which are infamously bulky and tedious.

This, of course, is the result of the disintermediating effect that blockchains tend to accept on processes they are activated to. In this specific case, it would be the aftereffect of the blockchain demography on the role of genitalia of the cross-border acquittal processes associated with ample sums of money.

By automating and digitizing functions that institutions currently accommodate like allowance houses that advice to affirm acquittal authority and contributor banks which advice to canyon forth payments, blockchain tech would absolutely go a continued way in streamlining all-embracing acquittal systems.

This is Visa’s abstraction anyway, and what they’re acquisitive for by implementing their own blockchain system.

Jim McCarthy, controlling carnality admiral for addition and cardinal partnerships at Visa, believes that while their accomplished efforts haven’t been absolutely successful, they still see allowance to improve.

“Even admitting Visa hasn’t been as acknowledged with cards for bartering expenditure, wire and cardboard check-based mechanisms are still slow, inefficient, and costly,” explains McCarthy. “The admeasurement of the befalling in bartering burning amount is huge.”

Visa Faces Stiff Competition from Ripple, R3 

However, they may accept their assignment cut out for them as they are not the alone one’s absorbed in demography advantage of this opportunity.

They will be acceptable aggressive with institutions added durably accustomed in blockchain ventures such as R3 and Ripple. Both already advantage the blockchain to action vripplearious solutions accompanying to banking.

In fact, Ripple is already acclimated by banks such as UniCredit, UBS and Santander for cross-border payments and the real-time adjustment of payments. While R3 leads a consortium of some of the world’s better banking institutions including Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citi, and others.

Although Visa faces some annealed antagonism in this regard, it has already activated a ancestor of B2B Affix with 30 banks globally in 10 countries. Earlier this year, Visa Europe additionally said it would do aboriginal testing on a abstracted blockchain arrangement to affix several banks in Europe.

Additionally, in a July report, consulting close Accenture PLC estimated that there are $25 abundance to $30 abundance of cross-border payments fabricated through banks annually, beyond 10 to 15 billion transactions.

Thus, if Visa can auspiciously tap into this market, again it could bound become a huge banknote cow for the banking casework giant.

What do you anticipate of Visa experimenting with blockchain tech? Could they supplant SWIFT? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Wall Street Journal

Images Courtesy of Visa, Chain Inc., Ripple.